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Stone Expeditions

The Springboard Effect

I am a true believer of everything happens for a reason. I think this method of thinking also comes from being optimistic. Even if something negative happens in your life, it is a springboard for something positive to occur.

I turned down a really interesting job in Ecuador with Global Student Embassy back in 2016. The job was to entail supervising youth programs on the Ecuadorian coastline that promoted environmental sustainability.

I turned it down for a managerial position that I believed to have in Colombia. It just made more sense, financially, geographically and the general work to life balance was better.

When I arrived to Colombia I was informed that I didn’t have the job. My girlfriend at the time had moved there with me and received another job in a similar program. Getting up and relocating wasn’t an option. My only option was to continue working with freelance journalism/photography and I decided to learn how to paraglide.

Learning to fly in the deep canyons of Colombia is my most vivid memory from living there the second time around. It is absolutely crazy how you can have thunder and lightening on one side of the canyon and to be flying on the other. This is perhaps one of the only places in the world where you can do this.

One of the trippiest things about flying is to feel the space below you and actually realize nothing is there. Looking at the carabiners on your left and right and recognizing there is really nothing between you floating among the clouds and plummeting to the earth.

Anyways, if I hadn’t lost that job in Colombia I may have never learned how to fly. The springboard effect. Thank you.